A while back Mimi and Papa, Taylor's best friend Riley's grandparents came back to Molalla for a visit after their family had all moved to Utah. We were delighted to get to chat with them at church and Taylor was especially excited because they brought with them a special bracelet Riley had made for Taylor. She has been enjoying it very much and wanted to send Riley a special message:
ttt uhj hgghhvcb,jbbvm,k///l.gxhm,,m,.l.;/?/nbv ,gujhjklp[]\\qwerrrtytytuyyuyiyuiuoiopo[p]\
Translation: Riley, I really like my bracelet. Thank you for making it for me. I miss you and I want you to come visit me. I love you.
This is just a picture of the true binky addict Jade is!!
To Taylor:
I am glad you like your bracelet. I want to come and visit you soon. I miss you. I love you. Tell Jadie hi. Love, Riley
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